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Publix Supports Seafood Sustainability

You care about where your seafood comes from and its impact on our oceans. That’s why we’re proud to introduce two new seafood labels to help you identify seafood products with high standards of sustainability.

Seafood sustainability is a complex issue, and we partner with two leaders in global seafood sustainability to provide you, our customer, with the information you need:

Sustainably Sourced

Sustainably Sourced logoWhen you see our Sustainably Sourced logo with wild-caught seafood, it means that item has either been evaluated by SFP and is considered “well-managed” in accordance with their guidelines, or it has an approved ecolabel as established by GSSI’s standard for sustainable sourcing. These currently include:

  • Alaska Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM Certified)
  • Iceland Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM Certified)
  • Marine Stewardship Council (MSC Certified)

With farmed seafood, the Sustainably Sourced logo identifies an item that has an approved ecolabel as established by GSSI’s standard for sustainable sourcing. These currently include:

  • Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP)
  • Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)
  • Global Good Agricultural Practices (GLOBALG.A.P.)

The fisheries must be certified at all four levels of the supply chain for fin fish and shrimp (farm, hatchery, plant, feed), and at three levels for all other shellfish (farm, plant, hatchery).

Responsibly Sourced

Sustainably Sourced logoWhen you see our Responsibly Sourced logo with wild-caught seafood, it means that item has been evaluated by SFP and is either considered “managed” in accordance with their guidelines or is from a fishery participating in a Fishery Improvement Project that is credible and graded.

With farmed seafood, the Responsibly Sourced logo identifies an item that has an approved ecolabel as established by GSSI’s standard for responsible sourcing. These currently include:

  • Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP)
  • Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)
  • Global Good Agricultural Practices (GLOBALG.A.P.)

The fisheries must be certified at the farm level. Additional certifications may be obtained at up to two levels of the supply chain (hatchery, plant, or feed).

How does GreenWise brand stack up?

All GreenWise brand seafood is sustainably sourced. GreenWise brand seafood items are also chemical free, meaning that no bisulfate, phosphates, non-phosphates, or other chemicals, processing aids, etc. were used during harvest, transport, or production of the products. Additionally, farm-raised seafood is raised without ever using antibiotics or added hormones.